Privacy policy


Personal data processor is SIA “PATA Finance” (further – PATA Finance), registration no. 40203271705, legal address: Cēsu street 14, Rīga, LV-1012, phone.  +371 26 677 726., email:

when processing personal data PATA Finance respects EU General Data Protection Regulation No.2016/679 (further – GDPR) requirements as well as other requirements under laws and regulations of Republic of Latvia.

This privacy policy explains how PATA Finance processes personal data, data subject's right execution and other data protection related questions. PATA Finance privacy policy applies to all personal data processing done by PATA Finance.

Personal data processing reasons

PATA Finance can use personal data to:

  • execute GDPR requirements and related data processing to fulfill subject's rights
  • potential employee selection when receiving CV and application letter
  • improvements of PATA Finance services and products;
  • service provision related agreement creation and service provision/execution;
  • ensuring quick and timely communication with you
  • at PATA Finance offices there might be video surveillance to ensure security. During PATA Finance organized events videos and photos might be taken for public information, marketing and PATA Finance archival purposes.

Personal data retention

Personal data are gathered only for defined purposes and are held as long as it is necessary to achieve defined purpose, PATA Finance interest protection or within terms defined by applicable laws. After data usage term is over the data are either archived or deleted.

Personal data is privileged access information that is only accessible if required to carry out specific tasks. All employees that has access to personal data are informed about data subject rights and data protection principles.

Access to your personal data and other data subject rights

To receive information about personal data subject's data that PATA Finance processes written inquiry must be orivded :

  • in person at PATA Finance office Rīgā, Cēsu ielā 14, LV-1012, and proving subject's identity with appropriate documents;
  • by sending to email in case of securely digitally signed document:

Data subject has rights to ask to limit processing personal data and objet to processing of personal data, ask to delete or correct data in accordance to EU regulation.

PATA Finance may contanct data subject via provided contact information (phone, email, address etc.)

If data subject considers that ones personal data rights are violated the subject has legal rights to consult personal data protection governmental institutions.

Rights to withdraw consent

If personal data processing is done with corresponding data subject consent then the data subject has rights to withdraw the consent by delivering written withdrawal inquiry in person to PATA Finance office Rīga, Cēsu street 14, LV-1012 and identifying the subject with appropriate documents or via securely digitally signed document to sent to email

Withdrawal of consent does not any data processing that already has taken place before the withdrawal.

Withdrawal of consent cannot stop processing data that is done due to other legal reasons.

Changes of Privacy policy

PATA Finance can update and change this policy at any time. New version is effective immediately after publishing and replaces all previous versions of the policy .

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